Business Partnerships and Shareholders Agreements

Partnership Agreement Lawyer

Eugene Hretzay is a Mississauga Business Lawyer whom specializes in drafting up and reviewing business partnership and shareholder agreements. It is highly advised in business that if you are even thinking about going in to partnership or a shareholder agreement with one or more individuals, you should speak to a experienced business lawyer first who can guide you in protecting yourself.

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Partnership Agreements

A Lawyer Can Help Protect You

Protect Yourself And Your Assets

Business Partnerships Tips

  • Have a track record: Success as business partners has no requirements of having run a business together in the past.  But, having gone through similar hurdles in the past will help when two or more individuals come together in business. Look for a partner that may have had some of your same bridges to cross or even some bridges you have not yet crossed where you can learn from each-other.

  • Complementary Skills: Different strengths inside a business is what helps a business grow. Look at what your partner brings to the table and ask yourself does their skills help your weaker ones?

  • Same Values: Having a partner with the same goals, visions and dreams is a must for any business to become successful. You do not want to be pulling one one while your partner is pulling the other. You should both be aligned with each-other.

  • Put Everything In Writing: Even if you're starting a business with your best friend from kindergarten, you need to draw up legal documents regarding your business structure, capital contribution to the business, how decisions will be made and disputes resolved and what happens if one partner wants to leave the business. Thinking through all the things that could go wrong and how you will handle them makes it easier to deal with any difficulties that do arise.

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Partnership Contracts

Legal Contracts For Shareholders

Mississauga Business Lawyer

Business Lawyer Here To Help You

What is a Partnership in Ontario?

A partnership is when 2 or more people combine their skills and in some cases their finances to create a business together.  Responsibilities and duties of each partner should be first drafted up by a legal professional such as a business lawyer.  Partnerships can be an excellent way to grow a business quicker then if one to go at it alone. In saying that a partnership agreement should always be done legally in order to protect yourself in the case of any future feuds or disagreements.

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